Wussup everybody! Some of you are asking yourself, "what the hell is he talking about with this title?" Well, New reality star Flava Flav has just ended a new reality show where 20 young women had to compete to see who would become his next new squeeze! I have been following this show since it first began and I nearly predicted everytime when someone was going to be voted off. I pretty much knew that it would be down to 2 final girls...HOOPZ and New York! Hoopz is a serious ass tom-boy chick who is very competitive, athletic, and pretty! NEW YORK is a no-frillz type of chick who doesn't take shit from people. She never made any friends in the house and was definitely in the zone and not trying to fuck with anyone! The only problem is that in my mind, I know for a fact that one of these chicks really didn't like flav....and the other
one was really in love with him.
To make a long story short, Flava Flav chose HOOPZ as the winner.

She was the prettier of the two girls, but she wasn't the one who really genuwinely loves him. For some time through the show, I even thought that the other girl New York was actually the crazy one and that she was lying when she said she loved Flav, but she was telling the truth. The way I figured it all out was when Flava Flav had the girl's mothers come to the house to meet him. New York's mom was absolutely hating Flava Flav, saying that he isn't even a man! But New York just stuck up for him sooooo much! There is no way someone could fake it so well, even to their own mother! She was sticking up for him so hard and even arguing with her mother about it! I mean screaming at her to accept Flav! I don't think a woman who doesn't really like someone (even if they are faking) could argue with their mother under false pretenses.
I concluded that New York was the Real one and that Flava Flav should have definitely picked her over HOOPZ. If you was going for straight looks, then Hoopz was probably it, but then again; there was girls in the house that looked just as good as Hoopz or if not better to me too. Oh well...
New York is still my Bitch! Fuck all the other ones! She kept it real and stood by Flav the whole time! Congrats to HOOPZ for winning, but EVERYBODY KNOWS SHE DON'T LIKE FLAVOR FLAV AND SHE IS JUST USING HIM TO FURTHER HER MODELING CAREER (see below)!