Miami Vacation July 06' you can see it was still dark outside...I was tired as hell since I didn't go to sleep until like 2am and we woke up at 4:15am...
The clouds was lookin hot from above and I haven't been on a plane in over 10yrs! Mad long ago. And even though I didn't cross time zones. I was still tired as hell!
This is what I was using to try to stay awake...Had to switch to Coke (as seen in my hand!)
As soon as we touched down we definitely had to sleep on the King size bed at this resort style get-away type of Hotel. It was simply amazing. It wasn't all commercialized and it was simple and elegant. There were flat screens everywhere and yet the style was still contemporary instead of modern...I was surprised at the service and style of this hotel. It was called the Circa@39 hotel. The Bar was hot as hell and there was this Trinidadian Bartender there (if you don't know I am 50% from Trinidad myself!) and he ran the whole bar. So naturally I got free drinks and I was also told where I could find the hotspots which were like right around the corner! I was right on South Beach, Miami Beach Florida! We also had a private pool at the Hotel with an exclusive entrance right into the bar area. It was really like a get-away there! I am super happy with the hotel. Oh yeah, and the beach was right across the street where they had para-sailing and jet ski's which I was unfortunately not able to do because the tide and waves were too strong due to offshore tropical storms all week, but it was sure fun to swim in! Well, here are the hotel pics!

After all the Beach stuff was done, we went out to get food to eat or ordered something from a gourmet place because the Beach Takes a lot out of you if you go there everyday...and so does the drinking! But We went out to Ocean Drive where they filmed all the hot movies like Scarface and the new Miami Vice movie. The street is actually small and not even that long of a stretch. All the places over there are nice and there are some nice sights to see as well..if you know what i are some below that I was able to snap without my wifey knowing! LoL!

All I have to say is that it was simply amazing! All the people are nice in Miami Beach and none of them have accents like I thought they would. They all sound like NYC type of people! We saw all the bentlies, rolls royces, limo's and everything you can name. We saw the sickest houses right on the water at Star Island! Well, I know i am DEFINITELY going back there soon. The beach was great as you all can see! So was the food! We ate at this EXPENSIVE ass place called the Colony which was located right on Ocean Ave!!! We had steaks and all the good stuff! It was well worth it because I think it was the best steak I ever had in my ENTIRE LIFE! Well, peoples...gotta go...ask questions if you want, but that's all for now! You guys won't get to see the exclusive pics, but that's between wifey and I....haahahaha! Here are some Pics of our ride home to close it out! Peace!!!!