For the first time in his last 3 fights, James Toney actually lost a bout unanimously. Even I agree with the judgement this time. The young Nigerian Nightmare Samuel Peter (26yrs old) just had too many new moves and tricks for James Toney to get at him this time. Samuel Peter dominated most of the 12 round match. James Toney did

show signs of his signature bob-and-weave style and hit Samuel Peter with some hard shots, but every time Toney landed a blow Peter was immediately giving a punch of his own. In round 2 Samuel Peter even managed to knock James Toney to the Canvas with a stiff jab that caught Toney off balance. I was beginning to wonder when James Toney would begin to show his age, and this fight brought it out of him. He is still very good, don't get me wrong, but I don't see him winning against younger opponents with more strength. He is still one of my favorite

heavyweights, but Samuel Peter is the future of the heavyweight division. My prediction is that Peter will go on to DOMINATE the heavyweight division from here on out.
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