Just purchased the 19" rims for the wip!!!
OK, so now that I got the BMW 325ci which I always wanted...I now have purchased some stunning 19" staggered rims to go on this beast. The rear wheels are 9.5" wide with a 3.5" chrome lip and the front weels are 8.5" wide with a 2.5" chrome lip. Here is a picture of them on a silver BMW coupe below (mine is metallic green) ...
So Now I play the 1 week waiting game before I can get them in the mail and mount them on the car....That's the only bad thing about ordering online...the shipping time....But the deal was WELL worth it...Will post pics as soon as I get them on! To see my current and newly added Mods to my car please visit the link below:

So Now I play the 1 week waiting game before I can get them in the mail and mount them on the car....That's the only bad thing about ordering online...the shipping time....But the deal was WELL worth it...Will post pics as soon as I get them on! To see my current and newly added Mods to my car please visit the link below:
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